Preliminary schedule of BSidesBUD 2017 is available now!

Dear Visitors!

We are happy to inform you, that the preliminary schedule for BSidesBUD 2017 has been prepared and uploaded to our website. Another great news is that 4 more speakers are confirmed their participation in the last days, and we are waiting for one more to come.

Here you can see the list of new speakers:

  • Dr. László Erdődi – Analyzing the exploitation based memory corruption using heap (Workshop)
  • Miklós Desbordes-Korcsev – Hands-on with JavaScript analysis in WinDBG (Workshop)
  • Milán Gábor – Visualization BIG DATA (Workshop)
  • Höltzl Péter – Topic TBD (Regular Talk)

Click here to see the preliminary schedule!

The official hashtag of the conference is #BSidesBUD2017, please help us spreading the word on BSidesBUD 2017 by retweeting and sharing! Thank you!

We can’t wait to see you in March!

BSidesBUD Crew

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